Specialized in the production and development of complete roof systems.
founded in
in brasov
BILKA factory is located in Brasov and was founded in 2007.
at present
The number of Bilka’s employees grows constantly, currently reaching 600.
70 mil. €
in investments
The investments in the developing the company and the product range amounted to over 70 million euros.
BILKA, leader of the roof market, is a company specializing in the production of full systems for roofs, such as metal tiles, rain systems and accessories, for residential constructions, but also of corrugated sheet for industrial constructions. BILKA has record sales one year after another. 1 of 4 roofs marketed in Romania is a BILKA brand.
BILKA factory is located in Brașov, and it was established in 2007. Currently it is the largest roofing system factory in Eastern Europe. The production lines are fully automated, relying on the latest technologies available worldwide.
BILKA’s performance is due to the attention given to developing the services and the products, as well as to the fact that the personnel and the automated system work synergistically in order to ensure a quality product in a continuous and unitary way.
Bilka is the first manufacturer to introduce the matte finishing of the rainwater system in Romania. The company celebrates its 15th anniversary.
A new metal cover model is launched – BILKA RETRO DUO. The company’s turnover leaves behind the 1 billion milestone and is ranked 22nd in the top of the most valued Romanian entrepreneurial companies.
The company gets to top 50 most valuable and powerful Romanian brands, continuing the investments for the inauguration of the insulated panel factory.
Our team is growing and reaches 500 employees. The Bilka roofs are gaining more and more recognition on the foreign markets. Bilka is still the largest manufacturer of roofing systems in Eastern Europe.
The investment plan initiated in 2017 is pursued for the development of our industrial division. The renovation of the platform starts along with the procedures for the purchase of the production equipment required for the manufacturing of insulated panels and industrial corrugated sheets. The new headquarters of the BILKA Sibiu site is inaugurated.
The new GrandeMat finish is released, a top product with a warranty of 30 years. The new headquarters of the BILKA Cluj site is inaugurated, with an area of 1800 sqm. Bilka acquired Hidromecanica 2 platform and started an investment plan worth EUR 20 million to be implemented between 2017-2020.
BILKA introduces a new model of metallic roof tiles, BILKA ROMANIC.
Our team is growing and reaches 220 employees.
Two new models of metallic roof tiles are introduced, BILKA IBERIC and GOTIC.
8 new production lines for metallic roof tiles, roof accessories and elements of the rainwater system are purchased and installed.
A new production line for BALCANIC metallic roof tiles is opened.
By the end of the year, over 5.5 million sq.m of metallic roof tiles were manufactured and marketed.
The QUARTZ finish in a range of 4 colors is introduced.
Initiated an investment plan and acquired real estate assets of Romlag Brasov. Reached an area of production, storage and office space of 45,000 sq.m. Inaugurated two new CLASIC metal tile production lines that increase production capacity by 60 %. Strengthens its leading position and ends the year with over 4 million square meters of metal roofing manufactured and marketed.
In April, BILKA moved its activity in an area dedicated to the production of 17,500 sqm and 1,000 sqm of offices. The Company exceeds its own record and ends the year with over 3.2 million square meters of metal roofing manufactured and marketed.
BILKA Steel becomes the leader in the top of Romanian manufacturers of metal covering with 2,256,448 sqm of metal roofing sold. In the same year, the company introduced a new product to its portfolio: Retro Panel. It is the year in which the exports to countries in Western Europe became significant.
Start of production for Balcanic metal roofing and metal roofing in 21 colors, the widest range of colors present in the portfolio of a Romanian manufacturer. The Company ends the year with spectacular results: turnover of 46.5 million lei and more than 8,000 houses covered.
Starts the export to EU countries and the former USSR. It develops the vehicle fleet.
The first production line is purchased for corrugated sheet and starts the production.
The Company acquires the first production line of metal roofing and roofing accessories. Located in Brasov, at that time the factory covers an area of 4,500 sq.m. The only product in the portfolio is CLASIC metal tile in 8 colors.
BILKA Steel Company is established starting as a distributor of roofing sheets.
The production is order-based, therefore, the length of the panels is executed based on customer needs so that material losses are minimal.
BILKA freely ensures the assembly plans based on drawings and projects submitted by the customer, assistance in choosing the most appropriate roof of cladding model, in choosing finishing elements, solving details and certain necessary changes.
The quality of the final product depends primarily on the materials used, so extreme care should be paid to the choice of these materials. The roof systems and roof sheeting with a polyester surface, manufactured by BILKA, are conferred a warranty between 10 and 30 years for the color and corrosion characteristics. This period is also guaranteed by the raw material manufacturers.