Bilka business in the last 6 months up by 54%
In the first semester of 2017 BILKA, leader of the roofing market, maintained its ascending trend of the previous years, reaching a turnover of RON 147 million, i.e. 54% higher compared to the same period of the previous year. This is mainly a consequence of the increase in demand and of the investment project amounting to EUR 10 million started by the company in 2014 and completed in 2016.
“The 54% increase was determined, on the one hand, by the increasing demand for roofing, which is normal if we are to consider the surveys on the construction market evolution, showing that the market is mainly driven by residential buildings, followed by office buildings and commercial areas. Moreover, there is an increase in the number of construction permits for residential buildings, and a decrease in renovation works. Following these permits, new constructions will appear and we will have to cover them. On the other hand, Bilka’s growth is due to investments from previous years, for the development and diversification of our range of products. This year’s figures also reflect the production lines started last year, that were mandatory so that we can comply with the demand. We estimate that this growth will last till the year-end”, stated Horațiu Țepeș.

Following the EUR 20 million investments made during its 10 years of activity, Bilka continues to grow its business, while also relying on exports.
Exports up by 33%
Having consolidated its top position on the national roofing market in the last years, the company accessed the neighboring countries, as well. In 2016, Bilka exported complete roof systems in the amount of RON 27 million. Export sales went up by 33% in the first half of 2017 compared to the same period of the previous year.
“Given the sales in the first part of the year, when we recorded 33% more on export, we estimate we will keep this growth for the end of the year. We see great potential in the foreign markets and an increased interest in our products. This is also due to the fact that we currently have the largest roof systems factory in Eastern Europe. Given the investments made, we now have the necessary production means and logistics to become a player on the foreign markets”, declared Horațiu Țepeș.
Foreign companies choose the roofs manufactured in Brașov, not only for the quality and competitiveness of the company’s products and services but also for the fact that they come along with the know-how provided by the manufacturer.
“In Romania, we have gone beyond bulk selling, as we have also focused on market development and education, and on the development of our partners. Not all our partners have a well-defined business strategy, a clear vision of their business objectives or of their development possibilities. This is where we come in and suggest new business directions. This has brought added value and we follow the same strategy abroad as well, where we already see the desired outcome. We do this because we want a sound business and we know that this requires a sound market and strong partners”, said the entrepreneur.
2017 ‒ premium products on the increase
Official studies in different fields show that Romanians have gone in favor of higher-value products in the past two years, which has determined growth in the consumption of premium products. This has been noticed with respect to current goods, but it equally applies to consumer durables, such as roofs. During the past 6 months, Bilka has sold 25% more premium products, as compared to the same period last year.
“The increase in premium product sales is mainly generated by the growing weight of such products in our portfolio. We identified this market need two years ago, when we met clients that would rather have thicker products and special-finishing products, which they could not find on the market. This was an underdeveloped segment on the roofing market. In 2014, our portfolio included a special finishing, with technical specifications superior to those existing on the market at that time. The demand has constantly increased since then, and a new finishing, GrandeMat, was launched this year. This is a Bilka product available in 8 different color shades. We are glad to see a growing interest in top products and we will continue to support this trend”, stated Horațiu Țepeș.

BILKA’s turnover in 2016 amounted to RON 270 million. At present, the BILKA factory covers an area of 45,000 sqm, divided into production halls, warehouses, and offices. In 10 years of activity, BILKA covered over 150,000 houses. The production lines are fully automated, relying on the latest technologies available worldwide. In 2016, BILKA sold its products all over the country via more than 500 stable dealers. The company’s distribution network covers the entire Romanian territory.